Sunday 13 May 2018

Traits Of Small Claims Orillia Judges

By Ryan Phillips

When two people are involved in an argument that could resort to conflict, they are usually advised to settle the matter in court instead of causing more damage to each other. The judge in the court is hence presented with the challenge of resolving such a conflict professionally. Certain important traits enable the small claims Orillia judges to be successful.

Hard work is the key to becoming successful in a career. For one to be a judge he or she has to go through a lot of training that involves a lot of studying. They later become lawyers who have to put a lot of effort in ensuring that their cases win in courts of law. Hardworking lawyers are appointed to train to become judges and thus to be a judge is evidence enough of how hardworking a person is.

Anyone aspiring to work in this career must be confident. The work contains a lot of public speaking right from the stage where they have to make presentations. Giving a negative verdict to someone who has a big influence to the members of the public, for instance, will require a confident person; someone who is not afraid of what people are going to say about him.

To help two people with conflict to settle down and restore peace between them, you have to make a decision that addresses the issues raised on both ends. This will only be possible by using listening skills to know the route of the problem. Remember that in this court lawyers are not present and hence the judge will depend on the information present by word of mouth.

The judges are also good writers. They obtain this skill back in law school where they have to make a lot of reports on research and assignments. A verdict contains detailed information on each of the decisions made. They have to explain the circumstances that prompted them to make the decisions and the references involved. One should hence train themselves on writing early to avoid disappointments.

Critical thinking is the skill that enables the judge to make the right decisions. One may think that civil cases are simple and can be solved by anyone. This is however not true as some of the arguments presented by the two parties could put the judge confused. If however, he is a critical thinker, he will be able to come up with a solution that will restore peace between the two parties.

Research skills are applied in many sectors of this field. As a student, one has to conduct a good research for them to come up with the solutions presented to them by their professors. During practice, they have to conduct a lot of research on the similar cases for them to know the possible verdicts they can make concerning the case.

People who are focused on their work observe time. They work under a schedule hence are aware of what needs to be done at a particular time. It is important to note that the work of the judge is not to make verdicts in cases, there are other duties that they are involved in and if they do not observe time they might end inconveniencing themselves and others.

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