Wednesday 16 May 2018

Breast Cancer Awareness Promotional Items

By Eric Morris

Life-threatening illnesses such as cancer can be very difficult to face. The difficulty is shared by the patient as well as the loved ones who are there for support. It is indeed a challenging time for those involved who will need as much support as possible to manage the situation. Tools such as breast cancer awareness promotional items serve multiple productive roles in the battle against the disease.

These handy commercial tools for combating the disease come in different forms. One popular form is the pink ribbon. The pink ribbon has been created in numerous forms. This includes tie pins broaches and pendants. Despite its feminine appearance, the pink ribbon is worn by men and women alike in support of the fight against this disease.

Shirts are sometimes used to draw attention to the issues surrounding the disease. These shirts may be customized to suit varying purposes. Some shirts are customized to make bold empowering statements about survivors while others reflect a plea for others to join in the fight to eradicate the ailment.

For persons who drive, bumper stickers represent one of the most common methods to bring awareness to any issue including cancer of the breast. The great thing about bumper stickers is that they take the message far and wide with little effort. Al that is required is for the bumper section of motor vehicle bearing the sticker to be visible to others. To increase the impact of the message, some drivers place two bumper stickers on their vehicles, one at the front and one at the back. This way they get to double up on the number of persons their message reaches.

These attention grabbing promotional tools function as awareness triggers but they do more than this. They are also used as fund-raising tools. Both professional entities and individuals use them to raise funds to support their anti-cancer ventures.

These items can be used to support individual battles against this illness. When used for this purpose, they generally function as part of a campaign arranged by the people who are int he patient's circle of support. Sometimes they are issued at cancer research funding events. In other instances, they are used to raise funds for the general struggle against the ailment.

While the promotional and fund-raising features of these items definitely cannot be underestimated, consideration must also be given to their sentimental value. For the loved ones of people who do not survive the struggle against the disease, these items are especially valuable as mementos. This is especially true for breast cancer awareness jewelry. Some loved ones engrave the initials of the patient in the item of jewelry. If it is feasible, many will also add a short inspiring quote as well. Many survivors also use these jewelry items to make statements about their own battles with the disease.

The important role of these promotional tools in the personal and global battle against this disease cannot be denied. Many times they operate as awareness triggers and fund-raising tools at the same time. It is these multi-pronged feature that causes them to remain so useful to anti breast cancer campaigns around the world.

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