Wednesday 2 May 2018

Some Things To Know Before Buying That Kydex Concealment Holster

By Helen Patterson

You probably just got your new firearm and your concealed carry license and just dying to take out your new firearm with you. For this you will definitely need a holster of some sort. A few of your friends have suggested that you get a Kydex concealment holster. Before you do go out and buy one, do read on in this article of what is the best for you.

The material Kydex is basically a thermoplastic compound that is lightweight and very durable compared to many leather holsters out there. It is very much like fiberglass except it is a bit more flexible and a lot tougher as well. Whether you choose leather or Kydex there are some things that you need to look out for in a good holster as well.

The primary thing to look for in getting a good holster is how well it holds or retains the gun. Good retention means a good one, which means that the gun it carries will not suddenly fall out when sudden movements such as jumping or running is incurred.

Two important characteristics should also be present in the holster that you have in mind. These characteristics are the cant and ride height. The former means the angel by which the weapon will sit within the holster, and this will affect the speed by which it is drawn. In hand with this is the ride height, or how high the weapon will ride while it is in the carriage. Both should be adjustable so as to give you a perfect fit.

Try to get a molded one as against a general one size fits all one. Molded ones give better retention and also gives better protection against accidental firing should you be fond of carrying a chambered weapon. As much as possible therefore get a molded fit one for your model of gun. A Kydex made one will have more option for molded models than a leather one.

Comfort if something that you must put importance on as well. For if it is not comfortable you will not wear it all the time. Comfort can be a fickle thing for one that is comfortable for one is not so for the other. Keep looking for one until you finally get one that you feel like it is your second skin.

Consider carefully also quality and craftsmanship of the thing that you will buy. These are very important attributes in terms of buying something as it will ensure that it will last and not break at the most inopportune moment. Get something that will last and something that you can actually pass down to the next generation.

And if it is possible do get one that is fully customized for your firearm and for your own fit and body size. By doing this you will get the perfect concealment holster that money cannot buy for it will be made just for you.

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