Friday 19 January 2018

Facilitating Generosity Through Innovative Ways

By Shirley Moore

Generosity is not a preserve of the rich. It is a product of the desire to change the lives of people around you by sharing what you have. Religious books record people who have been generous despite their situations being extremely challenging. Facilitating generosity requires a natural desire from the heart. This is a state of life for those with plenty and those whose resources are limited.

Consider the benefits you reap and those that go to the recipient of your action. The giver experiences a feeling of satisfaction because of the impact the donation has on the life of the recipient. On the part of the recipient, there is a great sense of ease since he or she can do things that were previously impossible. Changing that lives of other people is incredibly satisfying, despite the action arising out of the use of meager resources.

Embrace the feeling of gratitude. This could be done by looking at the things that you are grateful about in your life. The list does not have to be of physical possessions. It could involve such elements as good health, friends, daily bread and opportunities in life. You will be awake to the favors that life has denied other people.

It does not have to be big. One of the reasons people do not give is because they expect to give a lot. This is not always the case. A very small contribution can change the life of the recipient forever. Start small and focus on courses that are near you. Other people will take care of the needs of people away from you.

Contribute to the course you believe in. There are invitations to contribute that might not resonate with your heart. However, a look at your surrounding will reveal people and instances that need very little interventions. The needs of such people and instances are easy to identify with. Giving them will therefore elicit a lot of gratitude and personal satisfaction.

Share your time with the needy. Because of a privileged past, it is easy to assume that everyone else is as privileged as you are. In fact, you might think that the predicaments are self inflicted. When you spend time with them, you know their real stories and struggles. This ignites your spirit of generosity.

Spend time with generous people as well. This becomes an eye opener where you experience the impact of giving. The most generous people live lives that are satisfying and stress free. This will transform your idea of giving.

Being generous is a matter of believing in a course and the desire to change the life of people around you. You need to first buy the idea before you can jump into contribute. Though it takes a bit of personal sacrifice, you need to make it a mainstream part of you that will also change the direction of your life. When you consider the impact it will have on the recipient, your idea of giving will change forever.

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