Tuesday 25 June 2019

An Overview On World Aviation Security Procedures

By Gary Watson

Airlines are among the most vulnerable points of attack by criminals and terrorists. This is because people from numerous countries converge and diverge from this point. For this reason, it is significant to have tight world aviation security. Normally, there are common measures you will find in almost every airline. For a first time traveler, a number of these are unreasonable. However, for every safety procedure enacted, there is a reason behind it. Below is a description of six of these measures.

One of the most popular measures is individual checking. Before getting to the boarding area, travelers stop at various checkpoints to be screened. This process is done using hand-held detectors such as those seen in supermarkets. Detectors are designed to sense metallic devices since numerous attack tools are made of metal. If an individual is carrying a hand-held bag, it is also searched in case it is used to hide an explosive. The reason for individual and bag search is to prevent the entry of unwanted devices that could be used for violence.

Besides an individual, luggage must also be frisked. Everything has to be removed and thoroughly searched. Additionally, it is passed under detectors in case some clothes or elements are bypassed. Checking luggage is important for one reason. When a criminal strategies to propagate violence, hiding explosives among other personal belongings comes first because they can easily be overlooked. This is evident in attacks where attackers hid bombs in a cassette placed in their personal belongings.

A number of individuals carry knives or sharp objects probably for self-defense reasons. Others do it because of cultural upbringing. None of such objects is allowed in planes. First, if a disagreement arises between two passengers, they can attack each other using these objects. Notably, there are multiple criminals who have managed to capture planes using box cutters.

Where bouts are very common, passengers are often asked to remove shoes during scanning. To explain this, there was a case of an unsuccessful attack where a criminal had hidden a bomb in shoes. Luckily, a passenger saw it and alerted the officials. Astonishingly, the person had passed through metal detectors. To avoid similar cases, some airlines do not scan individuals wearing shoes.

Commonly, attack propagation tools such as guns and explosives can be noticed easily. However, they are not the only devices for terrorism. They can also use peroxide solution explosives disguised as water. For this reason, airlines accept minimal size bottles. Bottles that cannot be hand-held are not allowed.

Hand-held metal detectors are not completely effective. As a matter of fact, they are limited in nature. Since body screening is a necessity, these detectors had to be improved. Today, every passenger goes through an entire body scanning under improved X-ray scanners. Through these devices, any component that could be hidden even in the most private areas can be exposed. Even though scanners are very effective, there are concerns around privacy invasion and health safety.

Enhancing safety in airports is a necessity. Notably, some of these measures come with a price such as privacy invasion and health problems. However the whole idea is to ensure that security is upheld.

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