Saturday 21 April 2018

Reasons To Invest In Zander Identity Theft Protection Systems

By Donald Peterson

Identity theft is a real but often ignored danger. Many people are aware of it but pay it no attention because they think that it won t happen to them, ignoring the basic ways Zander identity theft solutions can protect themselves against ID thieves, up until it s too late.

There are things that can be done as an individual in order to protect yourself and loved ones from becoming an easy target against identity theft. What you share on social media needs to be kept close to your chest, and any information that discloses bank statements, social security numbers, addresses and cell phone numbers puts you as an individual at great risk. This is not to say that it won t happen if all of the above information is not on the internet but it does reduce the likelihood by a fair amount.

There are a number of ways in which hackers obtain a person s personal information other than negligence and over sharing. Four of the most common ways include dumpster diving which include: criminals/hackers digging through the recycle bin of your personal computer for bank statements and other personal documents that can be used to apply for loans in your name. Robbery and home invasions where criminals often steal computers and laptops for the software rather than hardware in these modern times. Phone scams from people acting on behalf of a reputable institution such as a bank or insurance company asking you to verify and disclose personal details over the phone. And phishing, the use of fake emails that when opened, use software to comb through the device for your financial information.

Identity theft is rife when the conditions are most ideal. More often than not, those conditions are found when using unprotected/public WiFi. It s perfect for hackers to see any personal information being transferred over that network and take advantage of it.

Companies that seek to decrease the likelihood of an attack should conduct thorough research and background checks on potential and existing employees. Conduct proper screenings for vendors that it may use or want to acquire the services of and have a pre-breach and a post-breach protection plan in the event of an ID stealing breach.

In order to guard against becoming a victim, check your financial statements regularly and create strong passwords.

In order to avoid being a victim of it, be aware of where your personal information is being distributed, ensure that your passwords are very difficult to guess and check on your finances on a regular basis, reporting any odd findings immediately to your financial institution.

ID fraud is a serious crime that can leave its victims in financial ruin. But like any other crime, there are measures that can be taken to minimise the chances of it happening to you. If it does, unfortunately, happen to you reporting it as quickly as possible increases the chance of minimizing its damaging effects.

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