Sunday 27 August 2017

Discover Some Of The Most Interesting Facts About Charities

By Pamela Ward

Women and men organize charity groups in order to collect funds and increase the awareness of certain causes. Thanks to these groups, people who are in need of money, food, and shelter are able to receive the help they need through donations. These people are usually victims of calamities like typhoons and tsunamis.

In the world today, there are plenty of charitable projects and each has its own distinct purpose and goals they want to achieve within a time period. Just like the charities West Africa projects, their top priority is helping adults and children who need materials and financial support to get back up on their feet. This article will be relaying the most fascinating facts about these projects.

According to a recent survey, the number one most common means that people donate is through giving a stranger some loose change or extra cash. This typically means homeless people who are living on the streets. Another means that one can help which does not require cash is through volunteer work.

Due to the rise in technology in this generation, most charitable causes set up online accounts to gather resources across the world. Through the use of online forms, they have made the process much simpler and convenient to everybody. Also, it is now easier to spread awareness to these causes because with a click of a button, its visibility is increased by a significant amount.

The top three organizations that reap the most benefit are health charities, religious groups, and social services. This means those are the top three causes that men and women care about and give much importance to. The reason why religious groups are part of the list is because of their many practitioners and followers who often show full support to their religion.

Statistics show that charities will get the highest number of donations in the last three months of each year. Adults often receive their bonuses and other extra income from their work during these months, which means they have extra income to spend however they want. It is also known that Christmas is often the time when most cultures encourage the act of giving.

Moreover, at least 22 percent of resources are received on the last 2 days of the year compared to any another day. Usually because adults and children will have a lot of new things, and will want to dispose of their old clothes and other belongings, as well as dispensable cash. The remaining seventy eight percent comes from the other days of the year.

There are some insurance companies that offer their clients the option to donate to their preferred charity group. Various insurance companies will have different plans for their clients, some will require a monthly fee, while others do a onetime payment. This will depend on the policy each company has, so it is best to inquire with them directly.

Interestingly, the top twenty generous countries are not necessarily the wealthiest, nor are they heavily populated. They have many differences economically and geographically speaking, as well as politics. Qatar, Trinidad, and Liberia are on the list of the most generous countries and all three have their set of differences.

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