Saturday 26 August 2017

Choosing A Fish Cleaning Cutting Board

By George Johnson

When handling food, you should observe hygiene. It is not good to just place your fish on the kitchen table or edge and start cleaning and cutting it. You need to find a surface for that purpose. Getting a good fish cleaning cutting board is essential for good health. Here are some of the things that you should put in your mind when buying the boards.

To begin with, consider its safety. You do not want to buy a boards that risks your health. A recent research has shown that wood does not allow bacteria to stay alive while plastics do. All in all, just make sure you adopt a high standard of hygiene. Avoid using the fish boards with other kind of meat or vegetable, this will minimize the spread of germs. You should also wash it separately or after you are done washing other dishes.

For how will you be using the boards? You should ask yourself that question. If you are looking forward to use the product for a long time, then you should consider the most durable one. However, if it is for short time use, you can buy a chopping surface that is not very strong but of good quality. Make sure you have thought about this to avoid wasting a lot of money on replacements.

It should be long lasting. For instance, buying a boards made of glass is not recommended. As we all know, glass breaks easily and in this case you are using a knife to cut the fish. At some point it can break and make the animal uneatable. In addition, it will not have served you as you had expected. Surfaces made of plastic or hardwood last longer. Think through that when making your purchase.

Consider the ones that are highly recommended by your friends. Do not just sit and listen to adverts, you need to ask people about the products they are using at their homes. They will tell you the things they love and hate about it. This information should help you choose the best surface for cleaning and slicing animal.

Fifth, choose the material that does not affect our environment negatively. When you are done using wood, it can be reused elsewhere without affecting its surrounding. However, when you dispose plastics, they destroy the environment we live in. Be careful about the material that has been used to make boards.

Avoid the ones that break into small pieces and mix with food when cutting. When using a sharp knife, some of the boards which are not strong enough can be cut and mix with meat being sliced. Use a surface that is hard to cut and strong. The small particles of plastic or wood that will mix with meat can lead to digestion difficulties.

Last of all, think of how you will be cleaning the surface. As you clean and chop the animal, some germs might hide on the surface of the boards. There should be a good way of cleaning it to avoid infecting yourself with disease causing bacteria. Use a dishwasher if it is allowed or use detergents where possible. You can also use lemon to make boards fresh and many more products.

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