Wednesday 26 July 2017

A Fisherman's Guide To Choosing The Right Fish Cleaning Table

By Edward Cole

Being out on the water in a boat and fishing for your supper can be a relaxing experience. The right tools to clean your catch after are very important. One item that is often overlooked is a fish cleaning table. While not an essential piece of equipment they do make the process a lot easier. Here are tips you can use to find a model that is right for you.

While some people simply choose to do their work on a picnic table, a work bench or kitchen counter these locations are not ideal. The area you are working in can really get messy fast and some areas may not clean up as easily as you would like. You want to make sure that if you do buy a table that the surface is designed to simply be hosed off and any skin and bones can be quickly discarded.

One thing to consider is how high a particular model is. Bending over a model that is too low can be frustrating and can lead to a sore back, especially if you are working on a lot of fish at the same time. You may want to look for a unit that has adjustable height so that you can work comfortably no matter where you are or how long you are working for.

Some models have taps attached to them. This can be very helpful since you will be able to rinse off each fillet as you clean it. Keep in mind, however, that you will likely need to attach an external water source to the tap and this may limit where you are able to clean your catch.

Some designs will allow a fisherman to clean their catch right on their boat. This may be extremely convenient although you will want to make sure that the bones and skin do not get off the table. You don't want them soiling your boat as they are often harder to clean up once they are dry. You may want to look for a model that could be used both on land or on the water in order to get maximum versatility.

A model that can clamp or hold the fish can be a great choice especially if you are new to cleaning fillets. It can give you an extra hand and can keep your catch from sliding away as you work on it. This can make your cleaning time much shorter than if you had to hold on to your catch while you work on it.

Some units can be disassembled which can be handy if you have to transport them anywhere. This can also be a handy feature if you will be using them on the water as space in some boats can be somewhat limited. Collapsing models are also handy as they can be easier to store when not in use.

You can find different models to choose from in hunting and fishing supply stores. Make sure to compare pricing as well as the features that each model offers. You may also want to look online as well although if you do go that route it is important to check out what shipping costs would be to ensure that you do not end up paying a lot more than you bargained for.

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